
Showing posts from January, 2015

Hallar el Centro de una Foto

Golden Mean Calipers

Episode 5 :: Rule of Thirds

Cursos de Introduccion a Photoshop

El Histograma

Paleta de Máscaras

How to read a Histogram

Una visión tropical alterna


La fotografia de Jock Sturges

Adobe Lightroom 4 - Editing Sunset / Sunrise Photos!

C50 Shades of Black: Ep 133: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace

Immogen Cunningham at - The International Artist Index

Sebastião Salgado

Michael Kenna

Curso Intensivo de Blanco y Negro Digital

How To Create Awesome Panoramas in Photoshop - Shutter...Evolve

'Wild Carlos on the run", por Giulia Matteo

Photoshop: Displacement Map

Bracciano, una visión metafísica

Bracciano, una visión metafísica.

El resultado final es lo que importa

Harry Callahan

Como se usa el Radial Filter Tool de Lightroom 5

Correcciones sutiles de Fotos. Los "blue casts" te arruinan tu trabajo?

Nikon lenses from A-Z: the ultimate photographer's guide | Digital Camera World

Bracciano: a metaphysical look

Frank Machalowski - multiexpo100 | LensCulture

Getting Started With High Key Portraiture | Light Stalking

The World’s Largest and Most Powerful Camera Gets Funding for 3.2-Gigapixel Sky Photos

Perspective Warp in Adobe Photoshop CC

Arnold Newman